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What are your career options? Redundancy - your next steps

Having a clear career planning process can help you focus on what your next steps are when faced with redundancy. If you're an apprentice with us and have been made redundant please contact us as soon as you can to discuss your next steps for your apprenticeship.

You may also find completing career self assessments useful. Completing a self-analysis, such as SWOT, may help you identify the main aim and potential challenges for a specific goal you have in mind.

Employers are said to ‘hire for attitude and train to skill’ so even if you do not meet all the criteria for the job, if you have the essential requirements, don’t disregard it. Conduct a skills audit and discover how your experience and talent can successfully transfer across multiple industries.

Be proactive, researching the local and national job market will also help you to see the types of opportunities you have open to you. Statistics from Nomis may help you identify the most common types of employment in your area. Careerpilot have created a Careerometer which allows you to compare jobs, including projected growth of employment.

Many people find that redundancy gives them a chance to explore different career avenues. Even if you don’t want to change career, it might be interesting to research opportunities across other sectors to see the different roles available.

If you want any advice and guidance, you can book a careers consultation with a careers consultant.

Choosing a career that suits you

You will no doubt feel a sense of urgency to find a new role after finding out you’re being made redundant. However, it’s important for your own job satisfaction and wellbeing that you don’t apply and start working without taking into account whether the role, sector and even organisational culture, is suited to you.

Whilst looking for job opportunities, take some time to think about what motivates you in a role, the types of professions that are related to your studies, skills and strengths and how your interests can be become part of your day job. Choosing a career that suits you walks you through how to determine the roles that are a suitable match and where to find them.

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