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Managing your mental health and wellbeing during redundancy Redundancy - your next steps

If you or your family has been affected by redundancy it is quite normal to go through various stages of emotion such as shock, grief and anger.

Remember, if you have been made redundant it's not your fault, after all, it is the job that has been made redundant, not you! It's not something to be ashamed of. These days redundancy is a regular occurrence and you’ll find many people have been made redundant more than once during their career.

Although being faced with redundancy can be difficult and full of uncertainty, with the right strategies and support in place it is possible to take control and turn this negative event into one full of new opportunities.

Don’t forget to unwind and set time aside to relax during your job seeking process. Searching for new work can be a draining process and taking regular breaks will stop you suffering from job seeking fatigue.

If you feel your mental health and wellbeing have been affected by your redundancy, there is help available.

TalkCampus provides a safe, totally anonymous online space to air concerns with other students and get support for your mental health and wellbeing. It’s available to you 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

For more information and to download the app, see our TalkCampus article.

MIND provide excellent mental health and wellbeing advice including practical tips on Money and mental health and a useful A-Z of mental health.

The OU also provides mental health support while studying for students.

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