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Why employers choose assessment centres Recruitment assessment centres

Assessment centres are a great way for employers to evaluate how you respond to different situations, tasks and tests. Assessors can observe first-hand how you behave and work within a team, how you approach assignments and how you apply your skills and knowledge during a variety of activities. They also offer employers an opportunity to differentiate between candidates who appear on their CVs (curriculum vitaes) to have similar skills and experience.

Assessment centres that are well-executed and run professionally are widely regarded as offering a fair practice for choosing the right candidates. It’s thought that this method provides equal opportunities for all interviewees, with the selection itself based on not only your skills, but also your merit, potential company-culture fit, experiences and your future potential. Many believe this selection process is more accurate than virtually any other method of recruitment.

An employer has an investment in a candidate as soon as they have invested some time. So we want to bring out the best in candidates. We don't want to waste our firm's time or the investment we've made but, equally from a candidate's perspective, we would be wanting to help a candidate to succeed at any of the stages. And that is why when we invite people either to an interview or an assessment centre. We want to give them every opportunity to succeed.

Ruth Stokes - Head of Recruitment, KPMG.

Videos about assessment centres

Watch the video Tips for assessment centre success to find out why employers choose assessment centres when hiring and what they look for when conducting this type of recruiting method.

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Last updated 1 year ago