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Using feedback from your tutor Strategic study techniques

Don't miss the opportunity to learn from the feedback given on your assignments. The feedback on your work can reveal whether your current study strategies are effective and is a central part of the learning experience. Feedback serves various purposes. It can:

  • promote dialogue between you and your tutor
  • enable you to monitor your progress
  • help you to identify your strengths and weaknesses
  • point to further resources including available support.

When you receive feedback, take time to absorb and reflect on it. Don't hesitate to ask for clarification or further guidance from your tutor if you feel it would be helpful.

In the following video, OU learning consultants Gill and Maggie explain how your tutor's feedback is one of the most important aspects of learning with the OU. Make the most of it.

Using feedback


Maggie (Learning Consultant)

The key part of active learning is asking for, using and implementing feedback because one of the great strengths of the Open University is that you have your personal tutor for that particular year, and one of the things all of them do is give feedback to individual students. And it's up to you to find ways of using it, or to have a dialogue about it.

I mean tutors encourage their students to come back and ask for clarification or to talk to each other and I couldn't stress enough the importance of when you do get some feedback, particularly if it's personalised feedback, that you set aside time to use it. To actually look at what's been said to you, to think how you might incorporate that, what changes you might make, or if you need to go back and ask some more questions.

Gill (Learning Consultant)

Some people get very hurt by their tutor feedback and can feel a little bit discouraged and, if that had happened, the tutor would probably be upset to think that that was the impact and so anybody should feel they can ring or email their tutor saying, “Oh, what did you mean by what you said?” Rather than sit feeling discouraged.

The advice may come as a surprise if it identifies something needing improvement that you felt was fine. Wait a few days then read the feedback again, as you may find that you can then be more objective and think about your reactions.

  • Are the comments expected?
  • Do you agree with the comments? If not, in what ways do you disagree?
  • What steps can you take to address the issues raised in the comments?
  • What specific skills do you think you need to improve?

Ask your tutor or study adviser for more advice if you have any queries about anything in the feedback or want to know more about improving your study skills.

You might also get useful feedback from other students. For example, an online discussion forum for a module activity might help you assess your understanding of a topic. Talking to your tutor or other students can give a boost to your morale and really help when you feel stuck. Knowing how to stay motivated is an important skill that is worth developing as early as possible in your study.

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