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Introduction Online invigilation (proctoring)

Invigilation or proctoring refers to monitoring students during an exam to ensure they adhere to the rules. In an online invigilated exam, an invigilator (proctor) will monitor you via a live feed of your study environment and screen. This ensures the exam is completed fairly, without assistance from unauthorised individuals or materials. The University is trialling online invigilation on a small number of modules.

Modules trialling online invigilation

This information is only relevant if you plan to study one of the following modules:

  • Essential mathematics 2 (MST125) starting in February 2025
  • Financial management (B252) starting in April 2025
  • Intermediate management accounting (B253) starting in April 2025  
  • Intermediate financial accounting (B250) starting in October 2025
  • Business law (B251) starting in October 2025
  • Advanced financial accounting (B350) starting in October 2025
  • Governance, audit and assurance (B351) starting in October 2025
  • Advanced financial management and management accounting (B352) starting in April 2026
  • Taxation (B353) starting April 2026

There is no alternative to an online invigilated exam for these modules.

What to expect

The provider for online invigilation is called Meazure Learning and their platform is called ProctorU. Invigilation and proctoring mean the same thing and you'll see both terms being used.

The invigilator will verify your identity, check your workspace, and observe you while you complete the exam. There will be an opportunity for a mock invigilated experience to ensure you're fully prepared. It's important for you to do this to familiarise yourself with the experience.

You'll need to install a new browser, called Guardian, and use hardware like a camera, speakers and microphone to enable live monitoring. This is how we'll track your on-screen activity and make an audio-visual recording of your workspace throughout the exam. The recording will also be recording you as well as your on-screen activity.

Although the invigilator will be monitoring you, there won't be any video feed of them or yourself on screen, so you won't be distracted. 

Exams that use online invigilation are closed book. This means you are not allowed to access any materials or resources during the exam unless your module website specifically says you can. Online invigilated exams are designed to replicate the experience of a face-to-face exam.

Third-party terms of service

To complete modules assessed via online invigilated exams, students must agree to additional terms and conditions specified by third-party service providers (who may be based outside of the UK). Information about any required third-party agreements will be provided on the module's online prospectus page. By enrolling on the module, you acknowledge and accept this requirement. If you do not wish to agree to additional terms and conditions, you should choose a different module and contact your student support team (SST).

You can download the third-party terms of service (PDF 62KB).

Last updated 2 weeks ago