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International students - disability support

This information is for students who live outside of the UK, the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man and the Republic of Ireland. It also applies to UK students who are temporarily living abroad and may need assistance with special arrangements such as exams.

At The Open University (OU), we recognise that everyone's needs are unique. We understand that some disabilities can cause barriers to learning online. Even if you don’t consider yourself disabled, support may be available to help you study effectively.

How we can support you

We have a range of support to help you.

Telling us what you need

If you think you'll need specific adjustments to help you study, attend online tutorials, or communicate with us, you can tell us by completing the Disability Support Form. This will allow us to share your needs with your tutors and support staff. You may need to provide relevant evidence to access certain types of support. Find out more at Telling the OU about your disability.

Funding for support and equipment

If you need additional funding for extra support, for example a person to help you take notes, or special equipment, you need find out if you can to get help from your local government, charities, or other organisations in your area.

Exam arrangements

If you have an additional requirement based on disability or illness, you may be able to receive extra time or rest breaks to complete your exam as a reasonable adjustment. For more information see Exam arrangements for disabled students.

Residential and day school support

A few modules include a residential, or day school. We have specialist staff available to provide additional support and guidance. You'll be given more information on what support is available during the planning stages of your school. See Residential school and disability.

Contact us

If you'd like to talk to us about your specific requirements contact your student support team.

Last updated 2 months ago