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How to make a complaint or appeal

The Open University aims to provide you with a high quality experience. Unfortunately, things sometimes go wrong. It's important that you contact us as soon as possible, and within 28 days of encountering the problem. Most issues can be resolved straight away.

This article offers guidance to students and public wishing to make a complaint or appeal. As a member of the public you can make a complaint without needing to sign in. If you're a student, sign in to the student complaint or appeal process.

We have a 3 stage process for dealing with complaints and appeals.

  1. Submit a complaint

    Your complaint or appeal is addressed by the relevant department in the University

  2. Escalate

    If you're not satisfied with the outcome, you can escalate your complaint or appeal to the appropriate senior authority via our specialist team of complaints advisers.

  3. Request a review

    Where there's still no resolution, you'll be able to request a review.

There are different types of complaints and appeal, depending on your situation. You can find full details in our Student complaints and appeals procedure.

The University subscribes to the independent scheme for the review of student complaints. Once you have exhausted the University’s internal procedures, if you're dissatisfied with the outcome you may be able to apply for a review of your appeal to the Office of the Independent Adjudicator for Higher Education (OIA) providing that the complaint that you take to the OIA is eligible under its Rules.

Student complaint

Student complaint or appeal process

We welcome complaints from students in Wales who wish to use the Welsh language. To do this, complete and submit the Complaints in Welsh form.

Rydym yn croesawu cwynion gan fyfyrwyr yng Nghymru sy'n dymuno defnyddio'r Gymraeg. I wneud hyn, cwblhewch a chyflwynwch y ffurflen Cwynion yn Gymraeg.

It's an important point of principle, understood by all University staff from the training they receive, that students shouldn’t be disadvantaged if they complain about a service or query a decision. You can raise any problems directly with the responsible people without fear of any adverse consequence even if your concern is not upheld or your query is rejected.

Public complaint

Public complaints form

Last updated 11 months ago