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Career opportunities Business and Management

In the UK many graduates enter employment where a degree in any subject would be acceptable. In this instance what they offer the employer is evidence of the range of competencies which have been developed through their academic study, rather than the specific subject content of their degree.

Given the current economic climate and the increased competition for graduate positions, it is important to consider a range of occupational areas. Bear in mind that many careers require further study, training and/or work experience beyond your degree.

We advise you to thoroughly research your career choices as early as possible, particularly in relation to experience required, any differences that relate to where you live, or where choice of courses may affect future opportunities.

Career opportunities in business and management are wide ranging and precise entry points depend on the qualification you have gained, and your experience and skills. A qualification in business and management can lead to opportunities in areas such as:

  • middle and senior management positions across all sectors
  • advertising and marketing
  • accountancy
  • human resources
  • banking, including investment banking
  • sales and retail
  • management consultancy
  • business journalism
  • transport and logistics.

Employers are keen to utilise the commercial awareness and leadership skills that Business and Management graduates offer. Don't forget that the OU also offers postgraduate courses in management.

Remember also that opportunities in careers related to business and management may not necessarily be via a graduate management scheme, but may be more appropriate to those who already have significant relevant experience and skills.

Ask yourself these questions.

  • Are there opportunities within your current job to get into management, perhaps moving sideways first?
  • Which area of management interests you – human resources (HR), financial, IT, consultancy, marketing, sales?
  • If you are working, could you approach your personnel or HR department and ask to work-shadow a manager?
  • Would you prefer to work for a large or small organisation?

Answering these questions will help to identify relevant information sources.

Useful links

You will also find information about general job vacancy sites, work experience and volunteering at:

Postgraduate Study

Many business and management graduates undertake further study on completion of their first degree and/or after gaining some relevant work experience. Reasons for doing so include wanting to explore an aspect of their studies in more depth, to further or change their career or because a specific postgraduate qualification is either an entry requirement for their career of choice or would be an advantage if entry is competitive.

Generally postgraduate study can open up opportunities to work in higher education and teaching at other levels and in professions related to this area such as accountancy, human resources and marketing management.

There are a range of business related OU postgraduate study options, both taught and research awards, such as business administration, technology and development management and the Masters in Business Administration (MBA).

It is important to research further study options comprehensively by exploring the range of postgraduate courses and research opportunities on offer, and funding possibilities to ensure you make the correct choice, for the right reasons and importantly that you can afford it, as funding for postgraduate study is very different to the undergraduate system.

Last updated 8 months ago