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Overview Types of assignment

As you study you might be asked to submit assignments in different formats, such as essays, reports, short-answer questions, speaking assignments or a précis.

You can find out what types of assignments are expected for your module under the assessment tab on your module website. Ask your tutor if you need any clarification.

The advantage of tackling different types of assignment is that you'll have an opportunity to develop a wide range of skills. Assignments also provide evidence of your ability to communicate effectively in several ways.

Tackling new tasks such as writing a précis or report for the first time can be daunting, especially if you are new to academic study. But remember that support is available so don't hesitate to flag up any concerns with your tutor as early as possible.

There are a range of study skills booklets available to students. If you're not already signed in, sign in to see them all including Preparing assignments

Last updated 8 months ago