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Setting up bookmarks in your browser

A bookmark is a handy link to take you back to a web page you’ve previously visited.

To make a bookmark of the page you’re on, press Ctrl + D (Cmd-D on a Mac). A box opens that gives a suggested name for the bookmark, usually the title of the page, which you can change. It also suggests the last folder you filed a bookmark into or you can select a different folder or set up a new folder.

Organising your bookmarks

It’s good to be organised with filing your bookmarks as it’s very difficult to find an individual bookmark within a massive list. Folders can be used to keep them organised, however the folders themselves need to be kept organised as well.

It’s well worth thinking of how you will file the bookmarks you’ve made for your Open University study so you can easily find them when needed.

You can search the internet to find ‘how to create bookmark folders’ for the latest instructions for your browser.

Last updated 4 months ago