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Filling in the DSA application form: Scotland Applying for Disabled Students' Allowance (DSA): Scotland

There are four main steps to completing a Disabled Students' Allowance (DSA) application form. The process is described in greater detail below the steps.

  1. Download the correct form from the Students Award Agency Scotland (SAAS). For Open University (OU) students it is the DSA only application form. Also download and read the guidance notes provided with the form.

  2. Fill in the relevant sections on the form depending on whether this is the first time you’re applying, or you have applied before.

  3. Gather your evidence to go with the form.

  4. Send your DSA only application form and evidence to us at the OU, using our online form. We will then complete your form and send it to SAAS on your behalf.

Download the correct form

As an OU student, you need to apply using the part-time application. This is because studying with the OU is considered as part-time study, even if you’re studying full-time.  

You’ll need to complete the DSA only application form for full-time, part-time, and distance learning students who are not applying for tuition fees and/or student loan.  

SAAS has guidance notes with the application form to help you complete it. We recommend you read the guidance notes before filling in the form.  

You'll find the form and guidance notes you need to download on the SAAS website under Application forms

Have you filled in a DSA form before? 

As an OU student you will need to apply for DSA each year you study. What sections you need to complete on the form depend on whether this is your first time applying or you have applied before.

First time applications 

If this is the first time you've applied for DSA you'll need to complete Sections 1 to 7 of the DSA only form. An OU disability advisor will complete Sections 8 and 9 on your behalf when you send the form to us. 

You have previously received a DSA 

As you've applied for DSA previously, you won’t need to provide evidence or have a needs assessment unless your circumstances have changed, and you need different support. 

The sections you'll need to complete on the DSA only form are 1, 2, 6 and 7. If you're happy with your previous needs assessment, tick the relevant box in Section 8.

Providing OU information in your application

We'll complete Sections 8 and 9 for you. If you've previously received a DSA, remember to tick the relevant box about a needs assessment in Section 8 before you send it to us.

Don’t forget to sign and date the form in Section 7 – Student declaration and agreement. This can be a typed signature. 

Sending your application to us

To send your application to us electronically click on the pink button below. This is the quickest way of getting your application to us and means we can process it quicker to send it on to SAAS.

We'll send your application on to SAAS within 21 days of receiving it from you. We’ll contact you if we need any further information from you for the application.

Submit your DSA application and evidence to us

If you’re not able to use the electronic submission form, you can post your documents to us at: 

Student Recruitment and Support
The Open University in Scotland 
10 Drumsheugh Gardens 
EH3 7QJ 

Help with your DSA application

SAAS provides detailed guidance notes with the application form to explain the process. You can also contact SAAS by email at or call them on 0300 555 0505 for help with the form. 

We can help you if you’re having any difficulties during the application process. Contact us on +44 (0)131 226 3851 (08.30 - 17.00 Mon to Fri, except Bank Holidays) or at, putting your OU Personal Identifier (PI) number in the subject of your message. 

British Sign Language users in Scotland can also contact us by using the online sign language interpreter service provided by Contact Scotland BSL

Last updated 7 months ago