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Interview tips Job interviews

Love or hate them, most people will attend a job interview at some point in their working life. If you’ve been invited to an interview you should congratulate yourself - the level of competition for each role is often high - so to be chosen from all the applications received is a great achievement in itself.

Regardless of the type of job interview, there are a few key pieces of advice that you should consider for all interview methods:

  • Be punctual.
  • Speak clearly and politely, at an even pace, not talking too fast or too slow.
  • Smile! (A smile can even be heard over the phone).
  • Be detailed and yet succinct in your answers, you need to answer the question posed with a thorough response, but resist the temptation to waffle or go off on a tangent!
  • Listen - Not only to each question being asked, but make a mental note of key pieces of information that you may want to refer back to in your answers, or ask questions about later.
  • Have your questions to ask at the end of the interview ready.
  • Thank the interviewer/s for their time and confirm the next steps in the hiring process.

Interviews are designed to help us and you decide whether you’re right for the department you applied for. A good recruitment process is one where the right candidate is identified for the right position.

Stephanie Ahrens, Credit Suisse
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Last updated 6 months ago