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Changes to policy and curriculum

Terms and Conditions (Microcredentials on FutureLearn) 2024/25

There are a number of significant changes from the previous version of this document (Terms and Conditions (Microcredentials delivered on FutureLearn) 2023/24).

These are:

a) It has been made clear that Learners studying an Open University Microcredential course delivered on The Open University’s Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) are out of scope.

b) The “Alternative format of the Terms and Conditions (Microcredentials delivered on FutureLearn)” section has been moved to the start of the document.

c) The “Summary of significant changes since last version” and “Terms and Conditions superseded by this document” sections have been moved to the end of the document.

d) The “What this document does not cover” section has been condensed.

e) References to the OU Students Association have been amended to Open University Students Association (OUSA) within the section ‘The Open University Study Charter Values'.

f) The Open University’s Equality Diversity and Inclusion Commitment Statement and “Safe Space Reporting” sections have been moved to the end of the document.

g) Your application to register is subject to you reading and understanding the Safeguarding Policy (revised wording in clause A1.1biii).

h) Clarification that the Conditions take priority if an Open University or FutureLearn employee or agent has said something inconsistent either in writing or verbally, in clause A1.2.

i) Clarification in Clause A2.1 that disclosure of criminal convictions should be made prior to commencing studies.

j) Updated clause references to the Code of Practice for Student Discipline in clauses A2.2 and C3.1g.

k) Clarification in Clause A2.4 that disclosure of criminal convictions should be made prior to commencing studies.

l) The title of section A3 “Complying with statutory responsibilities” has been amended without changing the meaning. Section A3 has also been broken down into three subsections, A3.1 “Health and Safety”, A3.2 “Safeguarding duty” and A3.3 “Prevent duty” for clarity.

m) Wording in clause A3.1 “Health and Safety” has been amended without changing the message.

n) Sections I4 “Safeguarding Duty” and I5 “Prevent Duty”, have been removed and the information incorporated into Section A3 “Complying with Statutory Obligations”.

o) Clause B1.2 requires you to understand the terms and conditions and to contact The Open University, if you do not understand or have any questions about the terms and conditions.

p) Addition of a voluntary or imposed break in study in clause C3.1e.

q) Additional information in clauses C4.2 and C4.4 about how The Open University will communicate with you and support you if there is industrial action.

r) Clause E1.2 has been updated to include reference to The Open University’s Retention Policy.

s) The Open University use and process your personal information created as a result of your study, as detailed in clause E1.2.

t) Clause F2 has been updated to highlight that a Welsh language version of the Welsh Language Standards Complaints procedure is available.

u) Revised title for section I3 “By phone”.

v) Revised wording in Section J about your obligation to engage with the Fitness to Study policy if requested, although the message given has not changed.

w) Addition of clause K3 in Section K “Affiliation with Third-Party Organisations”.

x) Revised definition of “Case Conference Panel” in the Glossary.

y) Addition of a “Feedback” section welcoming feedback about this document.