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Changes to policy and curriculum

Student Debt Policy (March 2024 update)

Summary of significant changes since last version

There are several significant changes from the previous version of this policy Student Debt Policy. These are:

a) Addition to the section ‘Scope’ - learners studying a microcredential delivered on the OU VLE are now in scope for this policy.

b) Clarification made to the section ‘Scope’– learners studying a microcredential on FutureLearn are out of scope for this policy.

c) Additional point added to the section ‘Circumstances in which you may incur a debt with The Open University’ – this means that a debt may be incurred if your total SAY fee liability drops to a level below the part-time fee cap after you have been awarded a Fee Limit Discount.

d) Additional point added to the section ‘Circumstances in which you may incur a debt with The Open University’ – this means that a debt may be incurred if you have received an overpayment towards your costs from any of The Open University’s discretionary funding schemes.

e) Amendment to section ‘If you have been identified as being in debt to the University’ – job title ‘Head of Treasury Services’ has been amended to ‘Director of Treasury Services’.

f) Amendment to section ‘If you have been identified as being in debt to the University’ – clarification that The Open University may use court proceedings to recover any fees due.