In March 2024, The Open University published the Conditions of Registration 2024/25 (Apprentices): Redundancy Policy Appendix for the first time.
There were a number of significant changes from the previous version of this policy (Conditions of Registration 2023/24 (Apprentices): Redundancy Policy Appendix). These are:
a) Clarification in the “Summary of policy”, that The Open University will try to support apprentices to complete any individual academic module(s) which had already been started, at the point of an apprentice being made redundant.
b) Addition of the definition of “Redundancy” in the Introduction for clarity.
c) Revised definition of “Redundancy” in the glossary for clarity, without changing the message.
d) Clauses 4.1 and 4.2 has been updated to highlight that a Welsh language version of the Welsh Language Standards Complaints procedure and the Student Complaints and Appeals Procedure is available.
e) Information on the amount of ESFA funding apprentices in England will receive, if made redundant by their Employer, has been added to the summary of the policy.
f) Amendment to Further Clarification section signposting Northern Ireland apprentices to their AEST
g) The “Education Skills Funding Agency (ESFA)” has been defined in the glossary.