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Changes to policy and curriculum

Conditions of Registration 2024/25 (PGCE Supplementary Agreement)

Summary of significant changes since last version

There are several significant changes from the previous version of this policy. These are:

a) The term Associate School has been changed to Partner School throughout.

b) The term Employer School has been changed to Endorsing Partner School throughout.

c) Partner School and Endorsing Partner School have been defined in the glossary.

d) Table 1 has been amended so that the exceptions to the Conditions of Registration for the PGCE Salaried Route and Part-Time Route, are displayed in a single column.

e) Revised wording in Clause 2.3 for clarity without changing the message.

f) Clarification that although the PGCE qualification is a postgraduate qualification, it is designated as undergraduate for funding purposes in Clauses 4.5 and 6.6i.

g) Updated link in Clause 5.2 to The Open University Initial Teacher Education Partnership Criteria and Deselection Policy. A Welsh language version of the Criteria and Deselection Policy is also available.

h) Clarification of calendar days in Clause 6.1.

i) The “Supplementary Agreements superseded by this document” section has been moved from the start to the end of this document.