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Changes to policy and curriculum

Research Degrees Regulations (August 2023 update)

August 2023

Universal Changes

a) Renumbering as required.

b) Replacement of Graduate School Director and Chair of Research Degrees Committee with Progress Board to reflect the change to the senior authority responsible for making decisions.

c) Update of hyperlinks and changes of names of external bodies e.g. NARIC to ENIC.

d) Added Research Code of Practice to list of documents in the Introduction that need to be consulted.

Substantive Changes

a) Section 3a – Interpretation of the Regulation - changed to recognise that formal interpretation of the regulations will be within the remit of the Postgraduate Research Student Progress and Awards Board (Progress Board).

b) Section 3f – Interpretation of the Regulation – noting that those with registered caring responsibilities may make an application under the Reasonable Adjustment Regulations.

c) RD 2.2; PD 2.2 & PW 2.2. Clarification that in order to apply for a doctoral degree the candidate must hold a first degree.

d) RD 2.5 & PD 2.5. Clarification that a higher minimum English language requirement may be sought within certain disciplines.

e) RD 2.6 & PD 2.6. Clarification that projects must be completable within the regulatory time frames.

f) RD 3.1 & PD 3.1. Recruitment must be done in line with the Recruitment Guidelines

g) RD 3.2 & PD 3.2. Clarification on responsibilities of the Chairs of the recruitment panels.

h) RD 3.5c; PD 3.5c & PW 3.4c Clarification of the regulations and policies to which a student agrees to comply upon admission to a research degree programme.

i) RD 3.5d & PD 3.5d. Clarification that it is a requirement to attend registration and induction in person.

j) RD 3.5f; PD 3.5f & PW 3.4e. Clarification regarding visa requirements.

k) RD 5.1; PD 4.1 & PW 4.1. Clarification that students are not allowed to select their own supervisory team.

l) RD 5.5; PD 4.5 & PW 4.2. Clarification about the roles that a supervisor must hold in order to be eligible for appointment.

m) RD 5.8; PD 4.8 & PW 4.4. Clarification regarding appointment of retired academics as supervisors and that honorary associates must hold that position with the OU.

n) PD 5.9; PD 4.9 & PW 4.5. Clarification that supervisors are expected to meet with their students face to face and in person.

o) RD 5.10; PD 5.10 & PW 4.6. Clarification that whilst a student may request a change to their supervisory team this is not guaranteed and appointment of new supervisors cannot be instigated by the student.

p) RD 5.12; PD 4.12 & PW 4.8. Proposal that supervisors re-engage in supervisor training every four years.

q) RD 5.13; PD 4.13 & PW 4.9. Clarification that supervisors must adhere to the supervisor policy.

r) RD 7.2 Clarification that students must re-register annually in person

s) RD 7.4 Increasing the minimum registration for part time PhD students.

t) RD 8.3 & PD 7.3. Added reference to attendance policies.

u) RD 9.1; PD 8.1; PW 6.1 & HD 4.1. Clarification that where a student is indisposed it is the responsibility of the supervisor to submit the study break request and clarification that a student is not permitted to engage in their studies whilst on an approved study break.

v) RD 9.4c & PD 8.4e. Added reference to registered carers & RD 9.5e & PW 6.4 – added reference to accrual under reasonable adjustment regulations as omitted in earlier version

w) RD 9.8; PD 8.7 & PW 6.7. Added requirement for a return to study meeting

x) RD 10.4 & PD 10.4. Additional regulation noting that extensions to registration are independent of extension to funding.

y) RD 13.1f, g & h PD 11.1f, g & h. Clarification regarding the documents that student must comply with, and recognition that a student can be de-registered for serious failure to comply with the Research Code of Practice or following the recommendation from a fitness to study panel

z) PW 9.1 – 9.3 & HD 7.1 – 7.3. Addition of section outlining when a student/candidate can be de-registered.

aa) RD 14.2 & RD 14.3 – Clarification that obtaining appropriate ethical approval is a condition of registration.

cc) RD 15.4c; RD 15.7d & PD 13.5c. change of wording regarding de-registration

dd) RD 15.4 Clarification about recommendations for extension to upgrade requests

ee) PD 13.9b. Noting that external examiners must have experience of supervising and/or examining professional doctorates (relocated from PD 13d).

ff) PD 13.9m. Changing the time elapsed from five to three years.

gg) RD 16.10 & PD 14.12 Noting the responsibility of supervisors for facilitating submission of progress reports.

hh) RD 17.2biii & PD 15.2biii; PW 11.2dii & HD 9.2cii. Clarification as to where notice of any collaborative work should be presented.

ii) RD 17.2bvi & PD 15.2bvi. Clarification that the thesis submitted will be the one that is examined and that it will not be returned to the student for further amendment.

jj) RD 18.9; PD 16.9 & PW 12.9. Clarification that the exam panel chair cannot influence the time available for the viva and clarification about what is required on the Examination Report Form.

kk) RD 18.16; PD 16.16; PW 12.16 & HD 10.16. Clarification around when it is deemed not permissible to communicate with the examiners.

ll) RD 18.17; PD 16.17 & PD 11.17. Clarification that remote participation by the observer is not permitted in the viva.

mm) RD 18.18; PD 16.18 & PD 11.18. Clarification that the observer must not interest with the student or the examiners during the viva.

nn) RD 19.4; PD 17.4 & PW 13.4. Addition of the word normally

oo) RD 21.3; PD 19.3; PW 15.3 & HD 13.3 Addition of a section regarding when it is permissible for a student to take and appeal or complaint outside the university.

pp) Appendix 2: Under the section ‘Supervisors are responsible for’ subsection o. Clarification about research practice.

qq) Appendix 2: Under the section ‘‘Research Students are expected to’ subsection i. Clarification about research practice.

rr) Appendix 2: Under the section ‘Supervisors can also reasonably expect students to’ subsection g. Clarification around publication and subsection.