End-of-module tutor-marked assignment (emTMA) policy
Summary of significant changes since last version
There are a number of significant changes from the previous version of this policy (Version No. 1). These are:
- a) New policy template has been used so the layout has slightly changed and wordings updated.
- b) The wording in some sections has been reviewed and updated to make the information clearer.
- c) Some wordings regarding the use of OU brand is added under section 2.
- d) A new section 2.1 on incorrect file submission is added to raise awareness on options available to students in such cases.
- e) Text is added to section 2.1 to include option for students in cases where submission cut-off date has passed.
- f) Reworded the Academic Conduct section with the wording from the revised policy.
- g) A link has been updated in section 2.2
- h) Section 2.1.1 and 2.2 added from TMA and iCMA policy as it also applies to the emTMA policy.
- i) In Section 3.1 text has been added to reiterate that extensions to the emTMA submission deadline are not available. Added reference to Special Circumstances.
- j) Glossary terms have been reviewed to ensure they are up to date and to make the terms simpler and easy to understand.