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Changes to policy and curriculum

Student Complaints and Appeals Procedure (March 2024 update)

In March 2024 a number of changes were implemented to the Student Complaints and Appeals Procedure.

These changes are:

a) The wording, order and document layout throughout has been revised to enhance clarity.

b) Complaints and appeals received from formerly registered students will be deemed ineligible if 5 years have elapsed since they last studied at The Open University.

c) The Student Complaints and Administrative appeals procedures have been combined, previously these were set out as separate procedures. Although the procedures investigate different matters, they follow the same procedure.

d) The term Senior Authority, used to describe the member of staff who investigates stage 2 complaints and administrative appeals, has been defined in the glossary.

e) Examples of the types of evidence a student could submit to support a complaint or appeal have been provided.

f) Procedural information has been added in clause A4.8 to explain how recommendations to remedy a student complaint or appeal will be offered to a student, if the Senior Authority’s decision is not confirmed at the stage 3 review.

g) Wording has been added to confirm that if your second submission of a stage 2 complaint or appeal is not accepted, we will send you a Completion of Procedures letter.

h) The process of a student submitting a revised request for a stage 3 review, if a student’s initial request for review is not accepted, has been removed. Students can escalate their complaint or appeal to the Office of the Independent Adjudicator if a request for a stage 3 review is not accepted.

i) The title of the OU Students Associations Complaints Procedure has been updated from General Complaints Procedure to Resolving and Settling Differences Procedure.

j) Section D ‘Methods of appeal’ has been added to clearly lay out a student’s ability to apply for an independent external review of their complaint or appeal by the Office of the Independent Adjudicator (OIA), once internal procedures have been exhausted.

k) Multiple complaints or appeals submitted by an individual student at the same time, concerning interconnected or overlapping cases, may be considered and responded to together to provide greater clarity.

l) We will escalate an informal concern (stage 1) for formal consideration (stage 2), if it is not considered appropriate to investigate the issue at an informal stage, due to the complexity and/or seriousness of the concern.

m) It has been clarified that action may be taken under the Code of Practice for Student Discipline for complaints or appeals considered to be vexatious, malicious and/or pursued in a way which contradicts the expected standards of behaviour.

n) Information has been added about the Individual Representation service offered by The Open University Students Association in section E15 ‘Representation and Support’. Previously the document stated that the Students Association could not provide advocacy support, this has been removed to reflect a change in their service.

o) Information has been added in section E15 ‘Representation and Support’ on sources of support and advice on maintaining good mental health and wellbeing when pursuing a complaint or appeal.

p) A Glossary has been added with definitions for key terms used throughout

Please talk to your Student Support Team if you need any further information. You can find out how to contact them on Contact the OU.