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Changes to policy and curriculum

Research Degrees Handbook

In October 2020, The Open University made an amendment to the Research Degrees Handbook. This document replaces the Research Degrees Handbook.

The changes made

  1. 3.1.4 Outcomes: addition to registration for PhD - "revisions will be reviewed, and further registration will depend on it having been completed to the satisfaction of the assessors and confirmed by the Graduate School Director."
  2. 3.1.4 Outcomes: removal of the bullet point "upgrade should be extended to enable the student to complete any revisions prescribed by upgrade assessors (extensions should not exceed two months beyond the end of the first year for full-time students or four months beyond the end of the second year for part-time students)"

Please talk to your Student Support Team if you need any further information. You can find out how to contact them on Contact the OU.