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Changes to policy and curriculum

Master of Laws (F64) - Qualification withdrawal extension

The Open University originally planned to withdraw the Master of Laws (F64) on 31 December 2023. This withdrawal date has now been extended to 31 December 2027. In order to claim this qualification, students must complete all academic requirements by this new date.

We also previously stated that four of the modules that make up this Masters qualification would end prior to the qualification’s withdrawal. This information has changed; all of these modules will now start for the final time at a later date than initially communicated:

  • Exploring the boundaries of international law (W821) will start for the final time in May 2024
  • Business, human rights law and corporate social responsibility (W822) will start for the final time in November 2024
  • Exploring legal meaning (W820) will start for the final time in November 2025
  • The law dissertation (W800) will start for the final time in November 2026

If a student has any concerns about their ability to complete by this new date, and in particular if they need to defer a module, they should seek immediate advice from their Student Support Team.

Please talk to your Student Support Team if you need any further information. You can find out how to contact them on Contact the OU.