Conditions of Registration 2020/21
In March 2020, The Open University published its new Conditions of Registration 2020/21 for the first time.
The Conditions of Registration set out the terms and conditions (“Conditions”) that apply to registration for undergraduate and postgraduate taught modules and qualifications studied with The Open University. Significant changes were made since the 2019/20 version of this document
The changes made
- Additional information inserted into ‘Scope’ to detail where students studying particular courses should also refer to related Supplementary Agreements or alternative versions of the Conditions. Microcredential and Apprenticeship students added as being out of scope and any previous references to these student groups subsequently removed. Information has been included within relevant sections (Scope and Related Documentation) to provide additional detail for students studying for a PGCE in Wales.
- Amendments to the Summary of Main Terms to bring text in line with the main clauses. Addition of information that resit or resubmission fees may be payable with the recommendation to contact the Student Support Team for more information. Additional information added to point 14 of the Summary of Main Terms to clarify that The Open University may cancel registration if you are in debt to the University in respect of tuition fees or other academic charges (in line with clause B5.3 and E2.1).
- Addition of sentence within A1g to confirm the students’ responsibility to check that distance learning is a recognised form of study, within their context.
- Additional clarification within paragraph A1h that all disputes arising from these Terms and Conditions and associated policies, procedures or Registration shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.
- Addition of paragraph A3.3 and paragraph G6 ‘Safeguarding Duty’ to clarify The Open University’s statutory obligation to disclose particular information as relevant to the internal Safeguarding team or external parties.
- Addition of paragraph A3.4 and paragraph G7 ‘Prevent Duty’ to clarify The Open University’s statutory obligation to disclose particular information as relevant to The Open University Prevent team.
- Addition of paragraph A4.2(h) to reference additional residence requirements and required evidence listed in Section A5.
- Addition of sentence and amendment to wording within A5.4 and C3.5 to advise where The Open University may require additional evidence to verify your status in the UK or ensure you are entitled to visit the UK.
- Addition of sentence within paragraph A5.5 to inform students that they need to meet any restrictions imposed by education authorities to be permitted to register with The Open University.
- Addition of paragraph A5.7 to inform of circumstances where students are additionally required to provide an address in the UK for delivery of materials.
- Addition of sentence within paragraph A6.3 and Section E2 to note that The Open University may cancel registration if personal information is not kept up to date.
- Additional sentences added to paragraph A7.6.3 and addition of paragraph A7.6.4 regarding administration of the waiting list for limiting places available for registration on a module, and the impact this may have on study plans.
- Addition of recommendation to contact your Student Support Team for further information about additional charges payable in Section B1.
- Addition of paragraph B2.4 to explain when Claim Authorisation Notes (CAN) will be accepted.
- Additional clarification added into paragraph B3.3 regarding when The Open University may share data with external agencies.
- Amendments to Section B5 to clearly present how The Open University deals with different types of student debt in line with the Student Debt Policy. The related paragraph (E2.1, c) has been reinserted for clarity.
- Inclusion of paragraphs to specify that students living in Wales have the right to submit written work in Welsh (C2.2) and can receive correspondence in Welsh (G1 and Further Clarification).
- Sentence added into paragraph G2.2 to inform students that The Open University will not be responsible for failure to receive emails if Section G2 of the Conditions is not adhered to.
Please talk to your Student Support Team if you need any further information. You can find out how to contact them on Contact the OU.