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Changes to policy and curriculum

Engineering qualifications (Q65 and M04) - qualification amendment

The Open University plans to make some changes to the Bachelor of Engineering (Q65) and Master of Engineering (M04) from October 2020.

From this date, we will introduce a new route through these qualifications. This is because we recognise that students may prefer to have greater flexibility in their optional modules, or they may want to change their route partway through their study. This new route should help to accommodate students if they find themselves in either of these situations.

The new ‘Broad Engineering’ route will be more flexible and will allow students to use any combination of the optional modules at stages 2, 3 and 4. Students will still need to complete 120 credits at each of stages 1, 2, 3 and 4, and any module specific entry requirements will still need to be met.

All current existing routes will remain available to students. We still see these as essential in offering guided specialist routes through the qualification based on a student's interests, employability needs, or professional registration needs. Please note that the new route has not yet been submitted to the Professional Engineering Institutions (PEIs) who accredit our qualifications. The IMechE (Institution of Mechanical Engineers) has chosen to accredit only certain specific routes and so may decide to exclude this new route from accreditation.

Please talk to your Student Support Team if you need any further information. You can find out how to contact them on Contact the OU.