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Changes to policy and curriculum

BA (Honours) Humanities (Q03) - Qualification amendment

The Open University is making changes to some of the modules that can be counted towards to BA (Honours) Humanities (Q03) from October 2018.

These changes will only affect a student's module choices if their areas of interest are classical studies or art history.

Classical Studies Pathway

Reading Classical Greek (A275) is being withdrawn. This module will be available to study for the final time in October 2019.

If a student wishes to complete the Classical Studies pathway using Reading Classical Greek (A275) at Stage 2, they will be able to do so as long as they have passed Stage 1 and study this module in either October 2018 or October 2019. They do not pass Stage 1 before October 2019, they will be able to select Classical Latin (A276) or Exploring the Classical World (A229) towards the Classical Studies pathway.

Art History Pathway

  • Renaissance art reconsidered (AA315) is being withdrawn. This module will be available to study for the final time in October 2018.
  • Art and its global histories (A344) will become compulsory for this pathway following the withdrawal of Renaissance art reconsidered (AA315).

If a student wishes to complete the Art History pathway using Renaissance Art Reconsidered (AA315) at Stage 3, they will be able to do so as long as they have passed Stages 1 and 2 and study this module in October 2018. If they do not pass Stages 1 and 2 before October 2018, theywill be required to study Art and its global histories (A344) in order to complete the Art History pathway.

Why this is happening

This decision has been taken as a result of a University-wide curriculum review. Our curriculum is reviewed and updated on an ongoing basis, but there has not been a full-scale review for some time. Our faculties have been looking at a wide range of aspects of the curriculum to recommend some reductions in our current portfolio so that we can continue adding new courses and qualifications in the future to meet new areas of student and employer demand.

Please talk to your Student Support Team if you need any further information. You can find out how to contact them on Contact the OU.