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Changes to policy and curriculum

Fee Rules (Additional Year of Discounted Fees) 2017/18

Warning: the content within this page reflects the information available to students in the 2017/18 academic year. As such, this information may no longer be factually accurate.

Transitional fee arrangements will end on 31 August 2017. However, the University is offering an additional year of discounted fees to eligible students to help them to complete a qualification. For this reason, the Fee Rules (Additional Year of Discounted Fees) 2017/18 document (published in March 2017) has been updated and amended from the Fee Rules (Transitional Arrangements) 2016/17. The title of the document has been changed to reflect that transitional fee arrangements are no longer available in the 2017/18 academic year

These fee rules apply to students who:

  • commenced study before August 2012 towards a qualification for which the additional year of discounted fees are applicable, and
  • have maintained their eligibility for transitional fee arrangements up to the end of the 2016/17 academic year, and
  • are studying on the Open Programme or have been granted an exception to complete their old framework named qualification in 2017/18.

The changes made


  1. Amendments have been made to terminology to confirm the end of transitional fee arrangements on 31 August 2017 and the availability and eligibility criteria of an additional year of discounted fees for 2017/18.
  2. A paragraph has been added to clarify students’ position for 2018/19 academic year after studying with an additional year of discounted fess 2017/18.
  3. Addition of the eligibility criteria for transitional arrangements and
  4. A reference to qualification(s) being changed or withdrawn has been removed, as no longer applicable to students eligible for the additional year of discounted fees.
  5. Setting and changing fees removed as no longer relevant to students eligible for additional year of discounted fees.

Section I

  1. Reference to registration confirmation correspondence added.
  2. Amendment to clarify position of students who are in debt and wishing to resume studies with the University (point re-iterated in Section III Fee refunds and credits policy).
  3. Information relating to fees charged by a student’s Local Education Centre removed for simplicity.

Section II

  1. Terminology amended to provide clarification on transitional fee arrangements ending and eligibility criteria for the additional year of discounted fees.

Section III

  1. Amendments to reflect that students who are eligible for an additional year of discounted fees are not eligible to receive statutory support.


  1. Section removed, as no longer applicable to students eligible for an additional year of discounted fees.
  2. Miscellaneous drafting changes to improve clarity and correct errors and omissions.

Please talk to your Student Support Team if you need any further information. You can find out how to contact them on Contact the OU.