The lease on the Open University premises in East Grinstead will end in December 2014, with the office being operational until 30 November. Consequently, services that are currently provided from the East Grinstead office will be transferred to other Open University locations.
Certain support functions which are currently located in East Grinstead will be transferred to alternative locations. These include the activities of the following student support teams:
These activities will gradually transfer between September and November, with both East Grinstead and the new locations supporting students during this period to ensure the transfer runs smoothly.
There will be no change to the level of support available to students, or to the location of face-to-face tutorials.
Students will not notice any difference to the support that is provided for them, even if they currently receive services that are delivered from the East Grinstead office. Current levels of service will be maintained but from alternative locations.
Support for students with disabilities or special requirements will continue as normal, as will locally-provided services such as exams and tutorials. The transfer of services will not have any impact on where the Open University holds degree ceremonies.
Please talk to your Student Support Team if you need any further information. You can find out how to contact them on Contact the OU.